With something as simple as hip movement, Juck demands their space and the audinece´s attention; the movement developes in different forms and intensity and becomes a manifistation of female sexuality and liberation from the male gaze. In their neat school uniforms and on a journey through aggressiveness , play and pride Juck rips apart the ideals and images of how girls are expected to be. It's inevitable, sometimes even uncomfortable but mostly it is liberating to see these dancers conquer the stage with such assurance.
- Motivation from the jury, Bibu 2016 Performing Arts Biennial for Children and Youth in Sweden
JUCK is a practice on its own. With their bodies as well as external and internal approaches, JUCK is relating to society's social power structures.
On stage they challenge traditional conventions and the relationship between performer and audience. Central to the search is exploring and widening the notions of femininity and gender.
JUCK was initiated in 2011 and since then the group has been taking part of different stages, claiming public spaces and social contexts with great success. In 2013 they created the short film JUCK that became a viral hit with over 125 000 views on Youtube. Since then JUCK has performed all over Sweden and been part of collaborations with Swedish feminist icons and music artist like Beatrice Eli, Silvana Imam and Cleo.
JUCK work with and on the bases of contemporary debates about gender, sexuality, femininity, ethnicity in a norm creative and interactive format. With their dance technical roots in streetdance they explore the field of contemporary performance and move freely between different influences.
Through movement and dance JUCK takes hold of time and space and plays with the expectations of the beholder.
It is the meeting between the performer and the audience that creates the feeling of what JUCK is.
In spring 2015 the group created its full length performace in residency at the Interanational Scene of Contemporary Dance in Stockholm, Sweden and premiered at the festival Urban Connection. The show is now avaliable for tour.
In Swedish:
JUCK är en egen, levande praktik. Med ett fysiskt yttre och inre förhållningssätt till samhällets sociala maktstrukturer utmanar JUCK scenrummets traditionella konventioner och relationen mellan performer och publik. Centralt i undersökandet står idén om femininitet och genus.
Initiativet till JUCK togs 2011 och gruppen har sedan dess varit aktuell i olika sceniska och sociala sammanhang med stor framgång. 2013 skapades kortfilmen JUCK som blev en viral hit med över 125 000 visningar på youtube. Sedan dess har JUCK gjort bejublade framträdanden och samarbeten med de feministiska ikonerna Beatrice Eli, Silvana Imam och Cleo.
JUCK arbetar utifrån samtida samhällsdebatter om genus, sexualitet, femininitet, etnicitet och normkreativitet i ett interaktivt konstnärligt format. Med sina danstekniska rötter i street utforskar de performance och rör sig fritt mellan olika influenser.
Genom rörelse och dans tar JUCK fatt på tid och rum och leker med de förväntningar som finns där. Det är i mötet mellan performer och publik som känslan av vad JUCK är uppstår.
Under våren 2015 har gruppen skapat sitt första helaftonsverk i residens på Dansens Hus i Stockholm med premiär under festivalen Urban Connection. Nu finns föreställningen tillgänglig för turné.
JUCK - A Dance Short (2013)